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Google+ – Get Invite – Facebook Scam


Scam Signature Message:

Google+ – Get Invite


Scam Type:  Rogue Application – Fake Facebook Page

Trending: July 2011

Why it’s a Scam:

Clicking the wall post link takes you to the  following Facebook page:  (here is a link to the page for those of you that want to report it to Facebook – You can also report the rogue application here:


This bogus fan page has already amassed almost 31,000 victims. As you will soon see, this scam is actually going to spread like mad if Facebook doesn’t quickly disable the application. The next sequence of events require you to “install the rogue Facebook application shown below: 


Anytime you install a third party Facebook application, you give the application developer access to your personal data. Always be very selective on the apps you install, and only install them from well-known, trusted sources. Notice how much access and personal information you have just given to a rogue application developer! Next, you are asked to “Like” the Google+ page you just visited, as well as, sending out invites to 50 of your Facebook friends: 


Pretty clever trick huh? Not only are you spamming the scammer’s message on your Facebook wall, but you have now just sent out a scam message via the rogue application. 

The final destination of the scam does indeed take you to the Google+ Project page, but you have comprised your account and possibly many of your friends’ Facebook accounts in the process! 

How to Deal with the Scam:

If you made the mistake of “liking” the bogus page, then you need to clean-up your newsfeed and profile to remove references to the scam. (click the “x” in the top right hand corner of the post). 

If you installed the Google+ application, you also need to access your privacy settings and remove the application. 


If you or your Facebook friends are falling for tricks like this, it’s time to get yourself informed of the latest threats. Be sure to join the Facecrooks page on Facebook to be kept informed of the latest security issues.  Also check out:

Your Ultimate Guide to Facebook Scams and How to Deal with Them

How to spot a Facebook Survey Scam

BitDefender Safego is a Facebook application you can install that will scan your News Feed and help keep you safe from scams like this.

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